Author: Mumsgather
•6/14/2012 12:44:00 PM

I have had this blog for some time now. Most of the time, I like to collect and share meaningful and inspirational thoughts and quotes to share. Most of these quotes are inspiring to me at different points of my life.

Today, I have decided to take this blog one step further by designing my own quotes graphics and making up my own quotes. I shall also be writing inspirational poems. Yes, in order to reach my goals and my dreams of becoming a full time writer, I must let go of my old ways. I must learn new things in order to reach higher goals.

Today's quote is "Sometimes You Have To Let Go To Reach Higher Goals". In my quote graphic, I drew balloons in the sky. Just like balloons, you have to let go, in order to reach the skies. So just as the saying goes, you have to let go of old ways of doing things, learn new things, let go of old behaviors, learn better ones and let go of the past and look into the future in order to be successful and meet the goals you have set for yourself.

My goal is to write more inspirational poems by starting with the first step, writing inspirational quotes with a self-designed graphic. I'm loving it! I love this. I wonder why I didn't think of it before. I guess, I didn't learn to let go... till today.

Have a good day! Pin It
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On 3:04 PM, June 14, 2012 , giddy tigress said...

That's beautiful...I guess I need to dig deep and let go to realize my dream of becoming a writer too.

On 12:27 PM, June 15, 2012 , Mumsgather said...

Thank you giddy tigress, I hope you realize your dream too.

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