Author: Mumsgather
•5/29/2013 11:35:00 AM
Have you seen children skip? My kids used to skip whenever they were happy. It is a natural expression of happiness for them. I love watching them skip. It makes me smile. They have stopped skipping now that they are a little older. However, they still see things in amazing ways that I don't.
Sometimes, I like to put on my child glasses and see the world again through the eyes of a child. In the eyes of a child, the world is a wonderful place with so many amazing things to learn and explore. They see the good rather than the bad, the beautiful rather than the ugly.
Through The Eyes Of A Child Poem
The moon is so bright
The stars are so shiny
The rainbow is so pretty
The rain is so sparkly
Nature is perfect
Through The Eyes Of A Child
The sky is so blue
The butterfly is so yellow
The flowers are so red
The grass is so green
We live in a colorful world
Through The Eyes Of A Child
Mummy is so beautiful
Daddy is so knowing
Grandma is so cuddly
Grandpa is such fun
Family is lovely
Through The Eyes Of A Child
Do you look at nature
Do you notice the colors
Do you love your family
Through The Eyes Of A Child
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Author: Mumsgather
•5/28/2013 11:00:00 AM
Quotes For Mothers. Do You Believe In Love At First Sight? I Do...Because I Am A Mother.
I love to write. I love to draw. I love quotes. I love motivational posters. So I put them all together. I drew a picture of a mother and her baby. I wrote a quote for my picture. Then I used
AutoMotivator to turn my drawing and quote into a Motivational Poster for mothers. I hope you like it.
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Author: Mumsgather
•5/22/2013 07:41:00 AM
Quote: Sometimes The Rain Leaves A Beautiful Rainbow Behind..... So Don't Cry When It Rains. Wait And Maybe, Just Maybe You Will See A Rainbow.
Author: MG (Blog Owner)
There were many times in my life when it rained. Sometimes it rained really hard... like the time when my son was in hospital and the doctor said he had an auto immune decease and at the same time, my daughter had a seizure at home.
My heart felt so heavy then. Like it was at the soles of my feet. So heavy.
However, we made it through the rain and I hope that if life throws us any more challenges we will continue to make it through the rain because sometimes the rain leaves a beautiful rainbow behind.
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Author: Mumsgather
•5/21/2013 07:45:00 AM
A new day brings with it new hope and new beginnings. If you feel unhappy today, you may wake up the next day feeling better. If you quarreled with your spouse today, you may wake up the next day and wonder what made you so angry in the first place. If you are displeased with your children today, you may wake up the next day loving them, just loving them.
So, don't scowl, don't frown, don't be mad, and don't be sad. Sleep over it and tomorrow will be better day. :)
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Author: Mumsgather
•5/17/2013 11:38:00 AM
Have you ever had that "Aaarrrrgh" moment? The moment that makes you want to pull your hair and stomp your feet and go to the top of the mountain and scream and shout? Well, if you have, then do it. Why not? If you keep it all bottled up, you may feel worse.
Sometimes it feels good to have a good release, a good hair pulling, feet stamping, shouting moment. You will feel much better afterwards. It is much better than keeping it all bottled inside.
However, do remember not to say unkind words in a moment of anger because words cuts like a knife and once it is said, it can never be taken back. So pull your hair and stomp your feet if you want but think twice before saying anything in anger.
Quote: The Things You Say In Anger Does Not Come With A Return Policy ~ Author unknown
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Author: Mumsgather
•5/16/2013 07:44:00 AM
Have you stopped to smell the flowers today? I haven't. In fact, I haven't for a very long time now. I have been merely existing and going through the motions of life because there is too much to do. I think it is time to slow down to smell the flowers.
I will do that soon after the kids exams are over. I will take a breather. I will stop to smell the flowers and maybe plant a few too.
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Author: Mumsgather
•5/15/2013 11:28:00 AM
I Like Dreaming... because dreaming can take me anywhere I like to go at any time of the day. I can also look any way I want. Gorgeous, slim, sunbathing at the beach, that is where I am now. What about you?
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Author: Mumsgather
•5/10/2013 07:44:00 AM
Patience Is Doing Something Else While Waiting. How very true. I have two kids who take the longest time to finish their meals. Now, my ironing station is right beside the dining table. I have lots of ironing to do. So, these days, whenever I finish my meal, I would head over to the ironing board to press out some clothing.
In this way, I don't have to nag at the kids to finish their food. I can chat with them as they are eating and by the time is done, so are some of my clothes. I do this at mealtimes during lunch and dinner so I won't feel overwhelmed by all the ironing I have to do. It is spread out and at the same time, I am more patient with the kids over their tardiness during meals. :P
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Author: Mumsgather
•5/09/2013 08:54:00 AM
When life throws you lemons, what do you do? Do you rant and rave and get depressed? Well, its okay to rant and rave and get unhappy and sad for a while but we must learn to pick ourselves up and move on.
So next time when life throws lemons at you, why not make a glass of lemon juice, drink the bitter sweet taste and then move on? For life is like that. There will always be ups and downs. Enjoy your ups and don't dwell over the downs for it too shall pass.
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